Letter to the editor: Comment on the Regulatios of the Simplified Registration and Approval Management for Compound Recipe of Classical Prescription of Traditional Chinese Medicine
To the Editor:
On Oct 9,2017,China Food and Drug Administration announced1 the Regulations of the Simplified Registration and Approval Management for Compound Recipe of Classical Prescription of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Exposure Draft) which has been stirring up intense debate in the West.The article China to Roll Back Regulations for Traditional Medicine Despite Safety Concerns lately published on Nature2 has raised worldwide attention by stressing its worries over the safety issue of traditional Chinese herbal medicines.However,we noticed that classic Chinese herbal formulations with long-term traditional use are not yet well known to the Western world.Hereby we intend to elaborate on a clearer picture of classic Chinese herbal formulations and to offer a better understanding to the western researchers.
Letter to the editor: Comment on the Regulatios of the Simplified Registration and Approval Management for Compound Recipe of Classical Prescription of Traditional Chinese Medicine