In a composite medium that contains close-to-touching inclusions,the pointwise values of the gradient of the voltage potential may blow up as the distance δ between some inclusions tends to 0 and as the conductivity contrast degenerates.In a recent paper [9],we showed that the blow-up rate of the gradient is related to how the eigenvalues of the associated Neumann-Poincaré operator converge to ±2/1 as δ → 0,and on the regularity of the contact.Here,we consider two connected 2-D inclusions,at a distance δ > 0 from each other.When δ =0,the contact between the inclusions is of order m ≥ 2.We numerically determine the asymptotic behavior of the first eigenvalue of the NeumannPoincaré operator,in terms of δ and m,and we check that we recover the estimates obtained in [10].