Structural and magnetic properties of CeZnAl3 single crystals
We have synthesized single crystals of CeZnAl3,which is a new member of family of Ce-based intermetallics CeTX3 (T=transition metal, X=Si, Ge, Al), crystallizing in the non-centrosymmetric tetragonal BaNiSn3-type structure. Magnetization, specific heat and resistivity measurements all show that CeZnAl3orders magnetically below around 4.4 K. Furthermore, magnetization measurements exhibit a hysteresis loop at low temperatures and fields, indicating the presence of a ferromagnetic component in the magnetic state. This points to a different nature of the magnetism in CeZnAl3compared to the other isostructural CeTAl3compounds. Resistivity measurements under pressures up to 1.8 GPa show a moderate suppression of the ordering temperature with pressure, suggesting that measurements to higher pressures are required to look for quantum critical behavior.