A new procedure for investigating three-dimensional stress fields in a thin plate with a through-the-thickness crack
In the paper,a new procedure is proposed to investigate three-dimensional fracture problems of a thin elastic plate with a long through-the-thickness crack under remote uniform tensile loading.The new procedure includes a new analytical method and high accurate finite element simulations.In the part of theoretical analysis,three-dimensional Maxwell stress functions are employed in order to derive three-dimensional crack tip fields.Based on the theoretical analysis,an equation which can describe the relationship among the three-dimensional J-integral J(z),the stress intensity factor K(z) and the tri-axial stress constraint level Tz (z) is derived first.In the part offimite element simulations,a fine mesh including 153360 elements is constructed to compute the stress field near the crack front,J(z) and Tz(z).Numerical results show that in the plane very close to the free surface,the K field solution is still valid for in-plane stresses.Comparison with the numerical results shows that the analytical results are valid.