While logic devices in conventional electronics rely on the control of the charged carriers in the semiconductor chips,robust information storage in computer hard drives and magnetic random access memory is implemented using the carriers' spin in ferromagnetic metals.A long quest to realize magnetic semiconductors [1-3] can be simply summarized as:1+1>2,in hope that combining the control of charge and spin in a single material would become more than just the sum of its separate parts (charge and spin) and enable new or improved functionalities [3].Indeed,there are intriguing opportunities in the class of dilute magnetic semiconductors (DMS) where by adding magnetic impurities,typically Mn,to a nonmagnetic semiconductor host it is possible to realize carrier-mediated magnetism [2,3].DMS offer a control of the exchange interaction by tuning the ferromagnetic Curie temperature,Tc,through changes in the carrier density,by an applied electric field and photoexcitation [2-5].