Microdissection testicular extraction for a patient with transverse testicular ectopia and testicular fusion
Dear Editor,
Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) is a rare condition whereby both testes migrate toward the same hemiscrotum.Most of the cases (65%) are diagnosed intraoperatively during an inguinal hernia repair;only few are diagnosed preoperatively? On the basis of various anomalies,TTE is classified into three types:Type 1,accompanied only by inguinal hernia (40%-50%);Type 2,accompanied by persistent Müllerian duct structures (30%);Type 3,accompanied by genitourinary anomalies,such as hypospadias (20%).2 In the case of TTE,the spermatic vessels of the ectopic testis pass through the midline and the inguinal canal adjacent to the spermatic cord of the normal opposite testis.2To date,fewer than 150 cases of TTE have been reported in the literature,4 mostly in children.Adult patients with TTE consult doctors mainly because of oligoasthenozoospermia or infertility.