Optically levitated nanosphere with high trapping frequency
The optically levitated object is intrinsically isolated from the thermal bath compared with the opto-mechanical oscillator connected to the thermal environment via the cantilever [1,2].Thus the limitation of the thermalization and decoherence introduced by the cantilever is cancelled.The Q-factor of the system is predicted to approach 1012 and the system is extremely sensitive to some changes [3-6].And it is expected to detect non-Newtonian gravity forces at very small scales [7],the impact of single air molecules [8],nanoscale temperature [9],and magnetic spin resonance [10].Importantly it can be used to test the fundamental physical problems.If the nanoparticle in ultra-high vacuum is cooled down to the quantum ground state,it can produce the quantum macroscopic superposition state and test the decoherence mechanism [5,11-13].