Benefits of orchidopexy on the fertility of adult men with bilateral cryptorchidism
Dear Editor,
The incidence of cryptorchidism is approximately 0.8% at 1 year of age and remains at this level throughout adulthood.One-third of these patients have bilaterally cryptorchid testes.1 Most patients with cryptorchidism have this condition corrected by surgery before puberty.Therefore,adult bilateral cryptorchidism (BC) is not observed frequently in clinical practice.Bilateral undescended testes are commonly associated with azoospermia and male infertility.Orchiopexy is usually considered a cosmetic operation and to reduce cancer risk when performed in adult men,and is generally thought to have no effect on spermatogenic recovery.We conducted a single-center retrospective study to evaluate the efficacy oforchidopexy and its effect on fertility in adult men with BC.