Yields and agronomic characters of 35 new hybrids were tested at Pine Bluff, Arkansas in 2013. These hybrids were developed from 7 female parent sterile lines, UP-1s, UP-3s, 100s, 101s, 105s, 111s, and 113A, and 5 male parent restorer lines, PB2, PB5, PB12, PB13, and PB18. The inbred variety Francis, which is a popular variety in the rice production, was used as the check (CK). Results showed that the yields of 10 hybrids were 20.3% - 31.7% higher than that of CKFrancis. The yields of other 18 hybrids were 10.1% - 19.4% higher than CK, and the yields of rest of the hybrids were 2.5% - 9.2% higher than CK. Hybrid UP-3s/PB5 had the highest yield, 12,983.8 kg/hectare and over check by 31.7%. The yield of hybrid UP-3s/PB18 and 115A/PB18 were 12,333.7 kg/hectare and over check 25%. The yields of hybrid UP-1s/PB12 was 12,324.6 kg//hectare and over check 24.9%. The sterile lines UP-3s, 113A, 105s, and 101s have good combinability and the average grain yields of their hybrids were over CKby 21.5%, 20.34%, 17.2% and 16.2%, respectively. The restorer lines PB18, PB5, and PB12 have good combinability and the average grain yields of their hybrids were over CKby 19.9%, 18.4% and 16.2%, respectively. These results indicated that these top hybrids and their parents of the sterile lines and restorer lines might be used in the hybrid rice breeding and production in the future.