N-terminal domain of the RNA polymerase of very virulent infectious bursal disease virus contributes to viral replication and virulence
Dear Editor,
Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) causes an economically significant disease of chickens worldwide (Berg,2000).The molecular basis for the virulence of very virulent IBDV (vvIBDV) is not fully understood.Previous studies have shown that genome segment A,especically VP2 protein,plays the most important role in the tropism and pathogenicity ofserotype 1 IBDV (Brandt et al.,2001).VP2 is,however,unlikely to be the only factor for the virulence of vvIBDV (Boot et al.,2000).A chrono-phylogenetic study suggested that the worldwide expansion of vvIBDV likely started following the acquisition of a new vvIBDV-related segment B,whereas the vvIBDV-related segment A could have been introduced several years earlier (Hon et al.,2006).