CAFe facility,a 25 MeV 10 mA CW superconducting proton linac has been built to demonstrate the key technologies successfully of a high-power CW SC linac,such as CW operated RFQ cavities,low-beta high gradient SC cavities,cryomodule assembling and so on.The demo linac has been tested with 150A at 25 MeV CW proton beam and 12 mA at 26.12 MeV pulsed beam in 2017.While for the ADS driven linac,operation stability is a special-focus issue,which is the most challenging problem.After the contribution stage,the priority has been shifted to the stability study.During 2018,the key systems,including power supply system,has been studied and improved to increase the stability of the operation with tens of kWs CW beam.Here the final operation results will be presented in detail.