Background: Diabetes in Nigeria presents a rising public health challenge and many cases are probably undetected. Poor glycemic control is a risk factor to both micro and macro vascular complications of diabetes and a major factor in the burden of the disease world-wide. The aim of the present study was to determine the pattern of glycemic control among adult diabetes patients attending a medical outpatient clinic in Enugu. Methods: Using a semi-structured questionnaire, we conducted a cross sectional descriptive study of patients with diabetes attending the medical out-patient clinic of one of the tertiary Hospitals in Enugu, Nigeria. Good glycemic control was defined as fasting blood glucose of less than 100 mg/dl. Study duration was 6 months. Statistical analyses were done using SPSS software. Results: A total of 119 participants were recruited for the study: 74 (62.2%) females and 45 males (37.8%) with a mean age of 62.2 (11.7) years. The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure was 138.4 (24.3) mmHg and 81.2 (12.9) mmHg respectively. Eight (6.7%) had a docu-mented history of diabetes-related coma in the past. The mean fasting blood glucose was 127.9 (22.4) mg/dl. Good, fair and poor glycemic control was achieved in 16.8%, 30.3% and 63% (52.9%) respectively. Correlation statistics showed that low level of adherence and abstaining from alcohol/tobacco are correlated with poor glycemic control. Conclusion: Majority (52.9%) of patients with diabetes attending a tertiary health center in Enugu, Nigeria has poor glycemic control status. Medication adherence and substance use are correlated with poor control.