The aim of this work was to compare the use of local intrauterine moist heat infusion to intrauterine antibiotics infusion, for treatment of subclinical endometritis which affects reproduction and milk production. 42 repeat breeder cows were divided into 4 groups, group 1 was the untreated control (=10 cows). Group 2 (=10 cows) was treated by 50 ml of Oxytetracycline 5% intrauterine for three successive weeks. Group 3 (=10 cows) intrauterine infusion with 30 ml saline adding to them 10 ml Gentamycin 10% and 10 ml penicillin and streptomycin for three successive weeks. Group 4 (=12 cows) intrauterine infusion with 50 ml sterile boiling water (≈100°C) was applied directly to the uterus for only one time. Leukogram was done before and after treatment, it showed leukocytosis and neutrophilia in all the study groups. After treatment for 36 hours and one week, there were no significant changes in the leukogram results of groups 1, 2 and 3. While in Group 4 showed decreasing in numbers of leukocytes (11.92 ± 0.75) and neutrophils (0.87 ± 0.16) to its normal limits after 36 hours and one-week post-treatment. Our new method gave the highest cumulative pregnancy rate 83.3% while other groups using antibiotics or antibiotics with saline gave lower pregnancy rate 40% and 50% respectively (P > 0.001). We named this new treatment method “Samia-treat;SAT”. SAT is a whole new and effective treatment for cases of repeat breeder which are caused by SCE in dairy cows;it caused increase in reproductive performance and cumulative pregnancy rate without over use of antibiotics.