The potential mutagenicity of protein-modified Enterococcus faecalis was evaluated by the Ames test.The test subject was designed with 0.05,0.5,5.0,and 50.0 mg/dish doses,and a control group was set.With Salmonella typhimurium mutant strains TA97,TA98,TA100 and TA102 as test strains,the Ames test was carried out with(+)or without(-)S9,and the number of revertant colonies was counted.The results showed that for the protein-modified E.faecalis in the case of+S9 and-S9,the average numbers of revertant colonies of the four test strains were less than two times of that of the negative control group,and no dose-response relationship was observed.The protein-modified E.faecalis was tested to be negative in the Ames test,indicating that the test substance was not mutagenic in vitro.