The rise of 3D cellular spheroids: efficient culture via upward growth from a superamphiphobic surface
Cell culture assays are extensively used in drug discovery and development programs,biomedical research,and in many others areas of science.Currently,2D monolayer cellular assays serve as the gold standard.However,while they provide seemingly indispensable information on drug activity,it is estimated that of the putative drug candidates selected using these assays,> 90% that progress to in vivo experiments immediately fail.Consequently,more physiologically relevant in vitro models would considerably reduce the numbers of animals that are required for primary in vivo screening,and at the same time would accelerate drug discovery and biomedical research [1].3D multicellular spheroids are superior to 2D monolayer cultures,better capturing the natural microenvironment of cells,including the natural gradient of the nutrients,growth and signaling factors,cell heterogeneity,etc.[2],thus bridging the gap between in vitro and in vivo experiments.