Three global conditions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use: an implementation framework
‘Nature and its vital contributions to people,which together embody biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services,are deteriorating worldwide’ [1].
The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is intended to ensure conservation of biodiversity,its wise use,and sharing of benefits from use of genetic resources.Through it,the Strategic Plan (SP) for Biodiversity 2011-2020 was created to make progress toward a vision of humanity ‘Living in Harmony with Nature’ by 2050[2].When that vision is realized,biodiversity will be valued,conserved,restored,and wisely used,so it can maintain ecosystem services and sustain a healthy planet,delivering benefits essential for all humans (2050 Vision).The SP contains 20 global targets (the Aichi Targets)and applies to other nature-oriented UN Conventions.