Why is the Chinese hypertension guideline necessary?
The new Chinese hypertension guideline was eventually published.[1] It has been more than seven years since the previous Chinese hypertension guideline was published in 2011.[2] The guideline committee should also be congratulated that this new Chinese hypertension guideline was for the first time published in full length in the English language in this issue of the Journal of Geriatric Cardiology.[3]This is the fourth Chinese hypertension guideline,[3] after the first,second[4] and third[2] in 1999,2005 and 2011,respectively.The first Chinese hypertension guideline was printed in a booklet.The document was not so sophisticated,but nevertheless played a role in improving management of hypertension at that time in China.The treatment rate of hypertension increased substantially from 45.5% in 1991[5]to 81.8% in 2002[6] in patients who were aware of the disease (Table 1).The 2005[4] and 2011 [2] Chinese hypertension guidelines were both comprehensive,and dealt with all issues of hypertension including various secondary forms of hypertension and special populations.