Dear Editor,
We have read the article entitled "Improve nursing in evidencebased practice: How Chinese nurses' read and comprehend scientific literature" by Huang et al.[1] published in the International Journal of Nursing Sciences.We would like to appreciate and strongly support the authors' efforts in pointing out the importance of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in nursing.Nurses are required to adhere to accepted standards of practice and professional performance.As a professional, nurses need to use evidence-based intervention and the integration of research findings into practice [2,3].EBP is an approach to nursing care that is very important for improving patient outcomes [4], however, the previous studies have been suggested that health professional does not always use the evidence to guide their practice [1,5-7].Huang et al.state that only 3.5% of nurses read literature regularly on a daily, 9.8% on a weekly, 9.3% on a monthly and 66% only read when needed [1].Further, O'lynn et al.also state that "in terms of actual use of research findings in practice, small range of nurses (27.1%) reported using research "often" or "very often" in the past year;whereas 30.0% reported using research "rarely" or "never" in the past year" [6].