It is the duty of the novelist to both express and document the problems prevalent in his society and his dissatisfaction with these problems through his novel.In a novel that mirrors the ills in the society,the novelist takes care to properly,effectively,and convincingly document what he has seen in the society and sometimes proffers solutions to these problems.The novelist has a significant role to play through his novel.He can make the people to be aware of what is happening in the society,so that they can react to it.Many African novelists have,over the years,expressed their anger,dissatisfaction,and disillusionment over the social,economic,and political problems confronting post-independence African societies through their works.In post-independence Africa,a number of African novelists have their works characterized by pessimism,anger,failure in governance,and disillusionment of the people.Most African writers write to criticize these social,economic,and political ills ravaging the society.The plebeians need to be educated by the writers on their exploitation by the few elites who govern them.Hence,African novelists have come out fearlessly to respond to the various social,economic,and political vices that are being perpetrated by their leaders.It is against the backdrop of the foregoing that Bandele Thomas examines the hydra-headed problems of political thuggery,corruption,armed robbery,drug abuse,prostitution,unemployment,and insensitivity of the government to the plight of the masses in his novel The Man Who Came From the Back of Beyond.