Improved Corrosion Resistance of Selective Laser Melted Ti-5Cu Alloy Using Atomized Ti-5Cu Powder
The different types of metal powder used for selective laser melting (SLM) process would cause distinct corrosion behavior due to the uniformity of the obtained microstructure.The SLM-produced Ti-5Cu alloy using atomized Ti-5Cu metal powder (SLMed Ti-5Cu) in this work reveals a relatively uniform microstructure with overwhelming acicular α/α'phase and shows great advantages on corrosion resistance compared with the SLM-produced Ti-5Cu alloy using the mixture powder (SLMed-M Ti-5Cu).The effect of the micro-galvanic cells decreases due to the undetectable Ti2Cu phase in the microstructure of the SLMed Ti-5Cu.An apparent passivation behavior was observed for SLMed Ti-5Cu instead of severe pitting phenomenon for the SLMed-M Ti-5Cu.The charge transfer resistance of SLMed Ti-5Cu in this work is 10.09 ± 2.63 MΩ cm2,which is significantly higher than that of SLMed-M Ti-5Cu (4.76 MΩ cm2).The above result indicates the atomized Ti-5Cu powder plays an important role in the formation of the uniform microstructure of SLMed product,thereby enhancing its corrosion resistance in Hank's solution at 37 ℃.