Dynamic quantum phase transitions in quantum walks
With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,the research team led by Prof.Xue Peng (薛鹏) at Beijing Computational Science Research Center,reported an experiment on simulatin dynamic quantum phase transitions in photonic quantum walks,which was published in Physical Review Letters (2019,122:020501).
Topological phases feature a wealth of fascinating properties governed by the geometry of their ground state wave functions at equilibrium,but topological phenomena also manifest as non-equilibrium quantum dynamics in driven-dissipative and Floquet systems,as well as in quench processes.The study of phase transitions lies at the core of the description of equilibrium states of matter.Besides conventional continuous phase transitions that are signalled by symmetry breaking,topological phase transitions,characterized by the change of topology in their ground-state wavefunctions,have attracted much attention since the discovery of quantum Hall effects.