The paper is concerned with the formulation of the static problem of general relativity. As known, this problem is reduced to ten equations for the compo-nents of the Einstein tensor and the solution of these equations is associated with two principal problems. First, since the components of the Einstein tensor identically satisfy four conservation equations, only six of these equations are mutually independent. So, the set of the Einstein equations actually contains six independent equations for ten components of the metric tensor and should be supplemented with four additional equations which are missing in the original theory. Second, for a deformable solid the Einstein tensor is associated with the energy tensor which is expressed in terms of six stresses induced by gravitation. These stresses are not known and the relativity theory does not propose any equations for them. Thus, the static problem of general relativity cannot be properly formulated because the set of governing equations is not complete. In the paper, the problem of completeness of the general relativity governing set of equations is analyzed in application to the spherically symmetric static problem and the proposed approach is further described for the general case. As an example, linearized axisymmetric problem is considered.