Hot Deformation Behavior and Processing Map of a Cu-Bearing 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel
The hot deformation behavior and processing map of Cu-bearing 2205 duplex stainless steel (2205-Cu DSS) were investigated at temperatures of 950-1150 ℃ and strain rates of 0.01-10 s-1.The effects of Cu addition and different deformation parameters on deformation behavior were,respectively,characterized by analyzing flow curves,constitutive equations and microstructures.The results indicated that the shapes of flow curves strongly depended on the volume fraction of two phases.When deformed at low strain rate,DRV in ferrite was prompted with increase in the temperature and was further developed to continuous DRX.At high strain rate,flow localization preferentially occurred in ferrite at low deformation temperature due to the strain partitioning and relatively less fraction of ferrite.The activation energy for 2205-Cu DSS was 452 kJ/mol and was found to connect with the variation of strain,strain rate and deformation temperature.The optimum hot deformation parameters for 2205-Cu DSS were obtained in the temperature range of 1100-1150 ℃ and strain rate range of 0.1-1 s-1 with a peak power dissipation efficiency of 41%.Flow localization was the main way to lead to flow instability.Meanwhile,the Cu-rich precipitates were generated within a few ferrite grains when deformed at temperature lower than 1000 ℃.The interaction between dislocations and Cu-rich precipitates at high strain rate,as well as the limited DRV in ferrite and DRX in austenite,contributed to the complex microstructure and flow behavior.