Single Crystal Castability and Undercoolability of PWA1483 Superalloy
Both of the single crystal (SX) castability and undercoolability of PWA 1383 superalloy were investigated during the directional solidification and isothermal cooling.In all the six SX parts of a casting cluster,no stray grains were found,revealing a defect-free SX structure.This excellent SX castability of the superalloy was attributed to its good undercoolability.The melting point (TL) and the critical nucleation temperature (TN) of the alloy were measured to be 1327 ℃ and 1306 ℃,respectively.The statistic average of the critical nucleation undercooling ATN =TL-TN of the alloy was determined to be about 21 K,exhibiting a relatively great capacity to be deeply cooled to a temperature below the melting point without the onset of solidification.