Investigation of Voids in Polyacrylonitrile Fibers by USAXS and SAXS
The void structure of polyacrylonitrile(PAN) fibers was investigated using ultra-small angle X-ray scattering(USAXS) and small angle X-ray scattering(SAXS).A quantitative method was developed to analyze connected USAXS/SAXS data and thus determine the void parameters of PAN fibers.The results showed that voids affected the mechanical performance of PAN fibers and were present throughout the entire wet-spinning process.When the absolute quantity and size of voids decreased,the tensile strength and modulus of PAN fibers increased.The void parameters were optimized by controlling the production process,and thus the tensile strength and modulus of PAN fibers were increased.The method for analyzing the void structure developed in this study is useful for analyzing voids over with larger size range,as well as the effect of the void structure on the mechanical performance of fibers.