For Chinese students,English grammar is significant for both practical application in daily life and various examinations.An increasing number of Chinese English teachers commence the research of the grammar problems of their students.Among these grammar problems,past perfect tense is regarded as one of the most difficult tense for Chinese students.It is of great value to analyze past perfect tense in detail.Therefore,the main purpose of this essay is to summarize Chinese students’problems about past perfect tense and attempt to conclude the reasons of these problems via the study on this tense.In addition to that,practical suggestions will be offered to Chinese English teachers.More research is needed as explanations about students’problems are still insufficient.The essay is structured by 3 parts.In the first part,the different opinions towards past perfect tense from several authors will be discussed.The difficult point of this tense will also be mentioned in this section.The aim of this part is to present various definitions of past perfect tense.The second part is regarding the Chinese students’problems about past perfect tense.This part includes the classification of typical mistakes and the explanation of students’mistakes.The last part is about the feasible solutions of these issues.