Currently,the search is on for alternative sources of feed ingredients,the main reasons being the increasing cost and uncertainty about the continuous supply of common feed ingredients especially fishmeal and soybean meal.The importance of macro algae or seaweeds as a potential substitute protein source for fish nutrition cultured has been documented in recent years.Macro algae are receiving consideration for their essential amino acid content and high protein value,trace metals and vitamins in fish nutrition.In addition,macro algae or seaweeds could be a potential low cost source of protein for fishes.Furthermore,the economic comparison of feed cost revealed that the increase in the level of dried and fresh seaweeds in alternative feeding treatments,and commercial diets used for fish growth have decreased which led to a significant decrease in the cost of feed.From the results of previous studies,using of macro algae(seaweeds)in fish diets may improves growth performance,feed efficiency,physiological activity,carcass quality,disease resistance and reduced stress response.This review describes effects of using of macro algae(seaweeds)in diets on growth performance of fish.