A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. The blockchain is transforming industries by enabling innovative business practices. Its revolutionary power has permeated areas such as bank-ing, financing, trading, manufacturing, supply chain management, healthcare, and government. Blockchain and the Internet of Things (BIOT) apply the us-age of blockchain in the inter-IOT communication system, therefore, security and privacy factors are achievable. The integration of blockchain technology and IoT creates modern decentralized systems. The BIOT models can be ap-plied by various industries including e-commerce to promote decentralization, scalability, and security. This research calls for innovative and advanced re-search on Blockchain and recommendation systems. We aim at building a se-cure and trust-based system using the advantages of blockchain-supported secure multiparty computation by adding smart contracts with the main blockchain protocol. Combining the recommendation systems and blockchain technology allows online activities to be more secure and private. A system is constructed for enterprises to collaboratively create a secure database and host a steadily updated model using smart contract systems. Learning case studies include a model to recommend movies to users. The accuracy of models is evaluated by an incentive mechanism that offers a fully trust-based recom-mendation system with acceptable performance.