Objective To analyze the current problems in drug traceability and supply chain management,and build the drug traceability system based on the block chain technology so as to provide authenticity assurance for the real data in the whole life cycle of drugs.Methods A new drug regulatory traceability protocol was designed based on block chain technology.The database of drug production,circulation and use was linked closely.A traceability system was set up according to the traceability protocol,and the consensus complexity and safety performance of the system were analyzed.Results and Conclusion The distributed account book and tamper-proof functions of the block chain platform were used to establish a double-chain system based on the combination of public chain and private chain,which could make the data of drugs more reliable,transparent and traceable with good application value.The establishment of a double-chain traceability system is studied so that drug market license holders,manufacturers,operating enterprises and users can verify the data to form an interconnected drug traceability data chain.