<b><span>Introduction:</span></b><b><span> </span></b><span>Today’s society is always more interested to the concept of aesthetics. The patients frequently ask to dentist to resolve unaesthetic problems of teeth, in particular that of the upper frontal group.</span><span> </span><span>The WSLs are enamel white </span><span>alterations due to alteration during the demineralization and remineralization of enamel. This effect is caused by alteration of the pH in the oral cavity and buffer action of saliva. An alteration of this relationship leads to a progressive </span><span>demineralization of enamel until the formation of a dental cavitation.</span><span> </span><b><span>Materials </span></b><b><span>and Methods:</span></b><span> </span><span>For this study are selected 11 patients, of which 3 men and 8 women, with total </span><span>of </span><span>17 WSLs. The inclusion criteria included WLSs with </span><span>ICDAS = 2 and WLSs caused by hypomineralization of traumatic origin. Th</span><span>es</span><span>e </span><span>patients were subjected to treatment with infiltrating resin according to operative procedure.</span><span> </span><b><span>Discussion:</span></b><span> </span><span>The therapy with infiltrating resin gave grea</span><span>t re</span><span>sults in 12 lesions out of 17. In the lesions where there weren’t a complete remiss</span><span>ion we obtained a great aesthetic improvement and a good reduction of </span><span>lesions. The follow up could improve the result after a better rehydration of </span><span>hard tissue.</span><span> </span><b><span>Conclusions:</span></b><span> </span><span>With a correct selection of cases and good operativ</span><span>e procedure, the use of the micro-infiltrative technique by low viscosity resin is </span><span>a good procedure to resolve WSLs problems of non-orthodontic origins. Oth</span><span>er studies with a larger sample are required to validate this clinical approach.</span>