Background:Nurse practitioners can assist the healthcare system by administering care to patients with medical or complex or chronic conditions by providing medical and nursing care in an expanded scope of practice.However,there are barriers that influence the implementation of nurse practitioners'role in health settings.Influences among systemic or organization levels have impeded nurse practitioners'role implementation.All 10 studies included in this integrative review are critically explained based on the relevant information categorised into three themes:a lack of clarity regarding nurse practitioners'role,fees for service physician remuneration and resistance from other health professionals.The 10 studies included in this integrative review reveal barriers to nurse practitioners'role implementation in health settings.Objectives:The aim of this integrative literature review is to identify the barriers to implement the nurse practitioners'role.Therefore,the following research question is posed:"What are the barriers to implementing the nurse practitioners'role in health settings?".Methods:An integrative review of the medical and nursing research literature has been conducted using a systemic search accessing CINAHL,Medline,Scopus and PubMed databases.The identified 287 articles have been narrowed to 10 articles based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria.A limitation search was applied at the beginning of the search phase to assist in identifying the range and type of studies potentially available for synthesis.The srearch was limited to human,peer reviewed and full text articles available in English language without a date limitation to obtain a large number of avilable studies that were relevant to the topic.Finding:The literature search resulted in 10 primary studies that met the inclusion criteria.All studies included in this integrative review reveal barriers to nurse practitioners'role implementation in health settings.All studies found three barriers that can impact on the implementation which ar