This article provides a justification for whether a human being with a disability should be viewed as a person.Within the discourse of moral and political philosophy,personhood is a serious consideration to determine a person’s moral status.This article considers some philosophical debates regarding the moral status of people with disabilities.It investigates the question:Why shouldn’t people living with disabilities be treated as normal people?The answer to this question raises another one:Are capacity and personhood the only conditions to have moral status?If so,how should a person with a disability be defined?After searching for the answers to these questions,the article came to the conclusion that only moral status is not a result of having the capacity of moral agency but that it is based more on other things.Finally,I conclude that the capacity of acting virtuously or consciously or sentience is not on its own a sufficient condition to grant moral agency to an entity.There are many other conditions to consider the moral status of People with Disabilities.