In this paper we study the nonhomogeneous semilinear fractional Schr(o)dinger equation with critical growth{(-△)su+u=u2*s-1 +λ(f(x,u)+h(x)),x∈RN,u ∈ Hs(RN),u(x) > 0,x ∈ RN,where s ∈ (0,1),N > 4s,and λ > 0 is a parameter,2*s =2N/N-2s is the fractional critical Sobolev exponent,f and h are some given functions.We show that there exists 0 < λ* < +∞ such that the problem has exactly two positive solutions if λ ∈ (0,λ*),no positive solutions for λ > λ*,a unique solution (λ*,uλ*) if λ =λ*,which shows that (λ*,uλ*) is a turning point in Hs(RN) for the problem.Our proofs are based on the variational methods and the principle of concentration-compactness.