In 2018,Duan[1]studied the case of zero heat conductivity for a one-dimensional compressible micropolar fluid model.Due to the absence of heat conductivity,it is quite difficult to close the energy estimates.He considered the far-field states of the initial datato be constants;that is,limx→±∞(v0,u0,ω0,θ0)(x) =(1,0,0,1).He proved that the solution tends asymptotically to those constants.In this article,under the same hypothesis that the heat conductivity is zero,we consider the far-field states of the initial data to be different constants-that is,limx→±∞(v0,u0,ω0,θ0)(x) =(v±,u±,0,θ±)-and we prove that if both the initial perturbation and the strength of the rarefaction waves are assumed to be suitably small,the Cauchy problem admits a unique global solution that tends time-asymptotically toward the combination of two rarefaction waves from different families.