In this paper,we study the following perturbation problem with Sobolev critical exponent:{-△u=(1 + εK(x))u2*-1 +α/2*uα-1vβ + εh(x)up,x ∈ RN,-△v =(1 + εQ(x))v2*-1 + β/2*uαvβ-1 + εl(x)vq,x ∈ RN,(0.1)u > 0,v > 0,x ∈ RN,where 0 < p,q < 1,α+β =2* :=2N/N-2,α,β ≥ 2 and N =3,4.Using a perturbation argument and a finite dimensional reduction method,we get the existence of positive solutions to problem (0.1) and the asymptotic property of the solutions.