In this article,we study the generalized quasilinear Schr(o)dinger equation -div(ε2g2(u)▽u) + ε2g(u)g'(u)|▽u|2 + V(x)u =K(x)|u|p-2u,x ∈ RN,where N ≥ 3,ε > 0,4 < p < 22*,g ∈ C1(R,R+),V ∈ C(RN) ∩L∞(RN) has a positive global minimum,and K ∈ C(RN) ∩ L∞(RN) has a positive global maximum.By using a change of variable,we obtain the existence and concentration behavior of ground state solutions for this problem and establish a phenomenon of exponential decay.