Self-consistent mean field approximation and application in three-flavor NJL model
In this study,we apply a self-consistent mean field approximation of the three-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model and compare it with the two-flavor NJL model.The self-consistent mean field approximation introduces a new parameter,α,that cannot be fixed in advance by the mean field approach itself.Due to the lack of experimental data,the parameter,α,is undetermined.Hence,it is regarded as a free parameter and its influence on the chiral phase transition of strong interaction matter is studied based on this self-consistent mean field approximation.α affects numerous properties of the chiral phase transitions,such as the position of the phase transition point and the order of phase transition.Additionally,increasing α will decrease the number densities of different quarks and increase the chemical potential at which the number density of the strange quark is non-zero.Finally,we observed that α affects the equation of state (EOS) of the quark matter,and the sound velocity can be calculated to determine the stiffness of the EOS,which provides a good basis for studying the neutron star mass-radius relationship.