To avoid the complicated motion compensation in in-terferometric inverse synthetic aperture (InISAR) and achieve real-time three-dimensional (3D) imaging, a novel approach for 3D imaging of the target only using a single echo is presented. This method is based on an isolated scatterer model assumption, thus the scatterers in the beam can be extracted individually. The radial range of each scatterer is estimated by the maximal likelihood estimation. Then, the horizontal and vertical wave path difference is derived by using the phase comparison technology for each scatterer, respectively. Finally, by utilizing the relation-ship among the 3D coordinates, the radial range, the horizontal and vertical wave path difference, the 3D image of the target can be reconstructed. The reconstructed image is free from the limit-ation in InISAR that the image plane depends on the target's own motions and on its relative position with respect to the radar. Furthermore, a phase ambiguity resolution method is adop-ted to ensure the success of the 3D imaging when phase ambi-guity occurs. It can be noted that the proposed phase ambiguity resolution method only uses one antenna pair and does not re-quire a priori knowledge, whereas the existing phase ambiguity methods may require two or more antenna pairs or a priori knowledge for phase unwarping. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, the theoretical analyses on estimation ac-curacy are presented and the simulations in various scenarios are also carried out.