The Smart Era urgently demands small-size, low-energy consuming and multi-functional devices which can satisfy versatile application sce-narios, including autonomous systems, wireless sensor networks, biomedical equipment, wearable gadgets, and the Internet of Things. This overwhelming trend has drawn much attention and stimulates intensive collaborative efforts spanning diverse fundamental and applied research related to energy generation-harvesting-storage-management-applications at the small scale. For instance, on one hand, novel nano-materials and chemical properties need to be developed for efficient energy conversion. On the other hand, advanced micro-/nanofabrication technologies are desired to bring novel strategies for improving areal energy harvesting/storage performance and integration efficiency. In this regard, the review articles presented in this issue cover a broad range of research topics related to miniaturized smart devices, including nano energy system design, thermoelectric materials, battery materials, microbatteries, microsupercapacitors, micro-wind harvesters, and mini-aturized memristors [1-7].