The orthogonal Latin hypercube design and its relaxation,and column-orthogonal design,are two kinds of orthogonal designs for computer experiments.However,they usually do not achieve maximum stratifi-cations in multi-dimensional margins.In this paper,we propose some methods to construct column-orthogonal designs with multi-dimensional stratifications by rotating symmetric and asymmetric orthogonal arrays.The newly constructed column-orthogonal designs ensure that the estimates of all linear effects are uncorrelated with each other and even uncorrelated with the estimates of all second-order effects (quadratic effects and bi-linear effects) when the rotated orthogonal arrays have strength larger than two.Besides orthogonality,the resulting designs also preserve better space-filling properties than those constructed by using the existing meth-ods.In addition,we provide a method to construct a new class of orthogonal Latin hypercube designs with multi-dimensional stratifications by rotating regular factorial designs.Some newly constructed orthogonal Latin hypercube designs are tabulated for practical use.