The horizontal convection in a square enclosure driven by a linear temperature profile along the bottom boundary is investigated numerically by using a finite difference method.The Prandtl number is fixed at 4.38,and the Rayleigh number Ra ranges from 107 to 1011.The convective flow is steady at a relatively low Rayleigh number,and no thermal plume is observed,whereas it transits to be unsteady when the Rayleigh number increases beyond the critical value.The scaling law for the Nusselt number Nu changes from Rossby's scaling Nu ~ Ra1/5 in a steady regime to Nu ~ Ra1/4 in an unsteady regime,which agrees well with the theoretically predicted results.Accordingly,the Reynolds number Re scaling varies from Re ~ Ra3/11 to Re ~ Ra2/5.The investigation on the mean flows shows that the thermal and kinetic boundary layer thickness and the mean temperature in the bulk zone decrease with the increasing Ra.The intensity of fluctuating velocity increases with the increasing Ra.