This article is a preliminary study on antibacterial blends of polycaprolactone, chitosan and quaternized chitosan by melt processing. Blends were characterized, mechanical test and antibacterial evaluation against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, were conducted. Results showed that the antibacterial potential of chitosan was limited in blends and polycaprolactone/chitosan did not show significant antibacterial effect compared with neat polycaprolactone (PCL). Inhibition rates of polycaprolactone/quaternized chitosan were 39.2%–99.9% against Escherichia coli, while inhibition rate was 40.9%–99.9%against Staphylococcus aureus. When quaternized chitosan (QCTS) content was up to 20%, blends exhib-ited 99.9%inhibition rates against both two types of bacteria.