A multiscalar and nonrenormalizable B-L extension of the standard model (SM) with S4 symmetry which successfully explains the recently observed neutrino oscillation data is proposed.The tiny neutrino masses and their hierarchies are generated via the type-I seesaw mechanism.The model reproduces the recent experiments of neutrino mixing angles and Dirac CP violating phase in which the atmospheric angle (θ23) and the reactor angle (θ13) get the best-fit values while the solar angle (θ12) and Dirac CP violating phase (δ) are in 3σ range of the bestfit value for the normal hierarchy (NH).For the inverted hierarchy (IH),θ13 gets the best-fit value and θ23 together with δ are in the 1 σ range,while θ12 is in 3σ range of the best-fit value.The effective neutrino masses are predicted to be <mee> =6.81 meV for the NH and 〈mee〉 =48.48 meV for the IH,in good agreement with the most recent experimental data.