Based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support System(TCMISS), the medication rule of Professor Zhang Hongchun in treating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD ) in stable period was carried out. The prescriptions of Professor Zhang Hongchun in treating COPD patients in stable period were collected and analyzed by frequency statistics, association rules and complex system entropy clustering. A total of 111 prescriptions were screened out, including 106 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine, which were mainly warm, cold and flat, and mainly sweet, bitter and pungent. The meridians were mostly attributed to lung, spleen, liver and kidney meridians. 34 core combinations of drugs were extracted, and 38 association rules with confidence level of one were obtained. Three new prescriptions were obtained. The core prescriptions were: Angelicae Sinensis Radix(15g), Pseudostellariae Radix(30g), Cornus Officinalis Sieb Et Zucc(15g), Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus(15g), Farfarae Flos (15g), Asteris Radix Et Rhizoma (15g), Poria Cocos(Schw.) Wolf(15g), Perillae Fructus (15g), Perilla Frutescens (15g), Ephedra Herba (10g), Licorice (3g). Professor Zhang Hongchun's treatment methods of COPD patients in stable stage are to invigorate lung, spleen and kidney, and to stop cough, eliminate phlegm and asthma, promote Qi, activate blood circulation and dissipate blood stasis.