Inspired by the newly observed X0(2900) and X1 (2900) states at LHCb,the K*(D)* and K(D)1 interactions are studied in the quasipotential Bethe-Salpeter equation approach combined with the one-boson-exchange model.The bound and virtual states from the interactions are searched for as poles in the complex energy plane of scatter-ing amplitude.A bound state with I(JP) =0(0+) and a virtual state with 0(1-) are produced from the K*(D)* interac-tion and K(D)1 interaction,and can be related to the X0(2900) and X1(2900) observed at LHCb,respectively.A bound state with I(JP) =0(1+) and a virtual state with I(JP) =0(2+) are also predicted from the K*(D)* interaction,with the same α value,to reproduce the X0.1 (2900),which can be searched for in future experiments.