As an elemental semiconductor,tellurium has recently attracted intense interest due to its non-trivial band topology,and the resulted intriguing topological transport phenomena.In this study we report systematic electronic transport stud-ies on tellurium flakes grown via a simple vapor deposition process.The sample is self-hole-doped,and exhibits typical weak localization behavior at low temperatures.Substantial negative longitudinal magnetoresistance under parallel mag-netic field is observed over a wide temperature region,which is considered to share the same origin with that in tellurium bulk crystals,i.e.,the Weyl points near the top of valence band.However,with lowering temperature the longitudinal magnetoconductivity experiences a transition from parabolic to linear field dependency,differing distinctly from the bulk counterparts.Further analysis reveals that such a modulation of Weyl behaviors in this low-dimensional tellurium structure can be attributed to the enhanced inter-valley scattering at low temperatures.Our results further extend Weyl physics into a low-dimensional semiconductor system,which may find its potential application in designing topological semiconductor devices.