Motivated by recent theoretical and experimental advances in quantum simulations using alkaline earth(AE) atoms,we put forward a proposal to detect the Kondo physics in a cold atomic system.It has been demonstrated that the intrinsic spin-exchange interaction in AE atoms can be significantly en-hanced near a confinement-induced resonance (CIR),which facilitates the simulation of Kondo physics.Since the Kondo effect appears only for antiferromagnetic coupling,we find that the conductivity of such system exhibits an asymmetry across a resonance of spin-exchange interaction.The asymmetric conductivity can serve as the smoking gun evidence for Kondo physics in the cold atom context.When an extra magnetic field ramps up,the spin-exchange process near Fermi surface is suppressed by Zee-man energy and the conductivity becomes more and more symmetric.Our results can be verified in the current experimental setup.