After field cooling(FC)alternating current poling(ACP),we investigated the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of[001]pc-oriented 0.24Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3(PIN)-0.46Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3(PMN)-0.30PbTiO3(PT)(PIMN-0.30PT)single crystals(SCs),which were manufactured by continuous-feeding Bridgman(CF BM)within morphotropic phase boundary(MPB)region.By ACP with 4 kVrms/cm from 100 to 70℃,the PIMN-0.30PT SC attained high dielectric permittivity(ε3T3/ε0)of 8330,piezoelectric coefficient(d33)of 2750 pC/N,bar mode electromechanical coupling factor k33 of 0.96 with higher phase change temperature(Tpc)of 103℃,and high Curie temperature(Tc)of 180℃.These values are the highest ever reported as PIMN-xPT SC system with Tpc>100℃.The enhancement of these properties is attributed to the induced low symmetry multi-phase supported by phase analysis.This work indicates that FC ACP is a smart and promising method to enhance piezoelectric properties of relaxor-PT ferroelectric SCs including PIMN-xPT,and provides a route to a wide range of piezoelectric device applications.