Don is certainly missed,by me,and by so many others.I particularly miss the constancy I derived by thinking of him down in Pasadena on the third floor of South Mudd,under the tree in his office,looking at waveforms.I have myriad memories with him,formed not just as a student at the Caltech Seismo Lab but over the two decades following.It is therefore a bit difficult to choose which I might use to paint a picture of the person I knew,the person who did more to shape me scientifically than anybody except my father,and the person for whom I felt such affection.Obviously,pure science,waveform modeling done purely for curiosity to tease out Earth's secrets,should take center stage,particularly for this venue,but Don was a rich tapestry of humanity and science,so I thought I might tell a few offbeat stories,interwoven with the work I did with him,to offer up my sense of him.