Significant developments have been made in the past few decades for lanthanide (Ln) ions doped flu-orosilicate glass-ceramics (Flusi-GCs).As novel generation of luminescence materials with a wide range of applications,Flusi-GCs as a single host combine the advantages of glass and ceramics/crystals as well as fluorides and silicates.In this review,the chemical design principles and experimental procedures of Flusi-GCs are summarized in detail.Flusi-GCs are categorized as those containing PbxCd1-xF2,RF3 (R =Y,La,Gd),MF2 (M =Ca,Sr,Ba),xMF2-yRF3 (R =Y,La-Lu),mAF-nRF3 (A =Li,Na,K),KTF3 (T =Zn,Mn) and K2SiF6 nanocrystals (NCs),Theoretical breakthroughs mainly by molecular dynamic (MD) simulation have been recapitulated as efficient routes for composition-design,nano-crystallization-prediction,and performance-optimization of Flusi-GCs containing target fluoride NCs.Essential research progresses pertaining photonic applications have been made in random lasers,communication amplifiers,optical fibers,spectral converters,white light-emitting-diodes (WLEDs),and thermal sensors.In the end,we propose three future research directions for Flusi-GCs.